General Waste
Ensuring the efficient, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable processing of your general waste
General waste is considered materials that aren’t easily recycled, such as polystyrene, low-grade plastics, non-recyclable packaging, and some contaminated materials.
Even if a comprehensive waste minimisation, material recovery, and recycling policy are applied, it is often inevitable that a residual amount of general waste is produced at most sites.
Our range of general waste handling equipment ensures the efficient, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable processing and collection of your general waste as well as helping you to remain compliant with waste regulations.
Depending on the volume of waste produced, the on-site compaction of waste prior to collection and disposal can, in most cases, provide a considerable reduction in waste collections, minimising waste disposal costs. We offer a wide range of waste compaction devices including, static, portable, and rotary screw.
Contact our experts to advise you on the best waste handling equipment to solve your waste problem.
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