Waste handling and recycling equipment for the pharmaceutical industry
Reducing the risk of non-compliance and impact on the environment in pharmaceutical waste handling
For over 20 years, Enviroquip has been delivering pharmaceutical waste management equipment that protects brands, the public and the environment.
We understand the correct protocols that are needed to meet the demands of compliant pharmaceutical waste management.
We advise our clients on the current pharmaceutical waste management regulations that are vital to the success of their business, and then recommend the necessary waste handling equipment.
Those who produce, carry, keep, treat or dispose of controlled waste must ensure its safe handling and disposal.
This duty continues throughout the waste chain and all intermediaries until final disposal.
Our waste handling equipment and containers are suitable for the correct storing and disposal of a wide range of difficult waste streams including out of date medicines, rejected stock, chemical and bulking agents, active ingredients, solvents and disinfectants and controlled drugs.
Our specialist pharmaceutical range of waste handling equipment can be installed with mounted cameras to aid professional witnessing, includes shredders for leaflets and packaging and safe lockable containers for contamination control.